American Coffee Bar Blend – Black Quality 250 Grams

5.00 IVA inclusa


Ground coffee for American must have one fairly coarse grind (more than that for the mocha). This is because the water must descend at the right speed, embellishing itself with all the aromas and not burning the coffee.



Ground coffee for American must have one fairly coarse grind (more than that for the mocha). This is because the water must descend at the right speed, embellishing itself with all the aromas and not burning the coffee.

Then you need the right container, with a lower part where you can collect the water and an upper part where to put the filter and the mixture.

We come to the more technical part. Usually a spoonful of mixture is used ( about 7-8g. ) for every two cups of water (each of 100-150ml ), but obviously it can vary according to tastes.

Then, place the filter, add the mixture and then pour in the hot water (not boiling but between 92 and 96 ° ), preferably a natural mineral.

Informazioni aggiuntive

Peso 0.250 kg